Just a quick note following the release of the THROWAXE source: The necessary MDL and WAV files to fully recompile this have been included Directory structure should look like this (or similar... I'm assuming you don't need me to hold your hand): c:\games\quake\throwaxe - throwaxe.mdl c:\games\quake\throwaxe\sound - taxhit1.wav,taxhit2.wav,taxhit3.wav,woosh.wav c:\games\quake\throwaxe\progs - all .QC files I only recall (shame on me - never will this happen again) making changes to: PROGS.SRC DEFS.QC WEAPONS.QC PLAYER.QC CLIENT.QC as well as adding THROWAXE.QC In this archive, I've included all of the .QC files that Carmack released, as well as Throwaxe.qc. I suggest adding other patches to THIS one , instead of the other way around. There are several hacks in several places to make this one work, so it will surely be easier to add to this rather than adding it to something else. The source code is *NOT* heavily commented. I regret admitting that I got into a rush on this one so I could work on AIRCRAFT some more. Email me with any questions. Otherwise, enjoy, and if you run this patch on your server, I'd love to hear about it. -Steve (Wedge) wedge@nuc.net